Vedanta Bharati is an organization set up in 1999 with an aim to raise spiritual awareness among common people based on Sri Adi Shankaracharya's teachings. It has been recognized as a research centre by Tumkur University. It has organised many lectures, mass chanting of Sri Shankaracharya's Stotras, retreat programs and published many books.
Vedanta Bharati, with the Benign blessings of His Holiness Jagadguru Shankaracharya of Dakshinamnaya Sringeri Sri Sharadapeetham, Sri Sri Bharathi Theertha Mahaswamiji, has chalked outseveral programmes.
VIDWATH GOSHTI - One of the present activity of Vedanta Bharathi is to conduct Prasthana Bharathi (Vidwath Sabha) twice in a year - One during Shankara Jayanthi around April and other during Charthurmasya of His Holiness Shankara Bharathi Mahaswamiji around August of every year. Normally we accommodate about 50 Traditional Scholars in such Gostis. Some of whom are likely to come from state of TamilNadu, Andrapradesh, Kerala, Maharashtra, U.P etc.
SHANKARA SANDESHA SAPTAHA - Sri Shankara Bagavatpada is an ever shining star in the firmament of Bharatheeya Darshana Shastra. He is the guide who has shown the ultimate goal of life and thereby showered the soothing ambrosia of spirituality to humanity caught amidst various mental afflictions, by stringing the universe into one, through the doctrine of non-duality of the self he has been a benefactor of the world. He is the ultimate healer who propounded that knowledge of the self is the only divine cure for all sufferings of beings. In modern times the globe is shrinking into a village, yet the chasms between its people is widening, hatred and jealously are on the rise and mutual mistrust is waxing. The current relevance of the message of Sri Shankara Bhagavatpada that the true inner self is the one and the same in all of us, can never be over emphasized. The call of the master to achieve the spirit of oneness is a mighty force goes to strengthen universal brotherhood. Hence to spread and bring into practice the teachings of Sri Shankara is the need of the day.
VIVEKOTKARSHINI SPARDHA - Elocution competition on different aspects of Sri Shankara’s role in national unity and recitation of the hymns composed by Sri Shankara for students of higher education and children up to higher secondary standard, constituting individuals not only from Hindu community, but also from Muslim, Christian and other sects. The Certificate will be issued to all the candidates who passes the examination.
VEDANAMANA - A periodic conference of erudite Vedic Scholars and delegates of Karnataka state to reinforce the foundation of VEDIC STUDY and its proper instruction, which is the legacy of our culture, which need today further strengthening and diffusion to the future progeny in the generations to come. Every year up to 300 Vedic Scholars are participating in this conference.
SHANKARA SARASWATHI - A program aimed at involving mainly mothers and children in Chanting and understanding the meaning of Sri Shankara Bhagavatpada’s Stotras has been well received and is growing in acceptance and popularity by the day.
Shivananda Lahari in 2005-2006 Throughout State- Shivananda Lahari was chanted throughout the state. Many Upanyasas were held by vidwans through the state. Mothers and children chanted ShivanandaLahari in unison and offered it at the Lotus Feet of Sri Sri Shankara Bharati Swamiji.
SOUNDARYA LAHARI MAHABHIYANA - The event was initiated and successfully held at Fort high school grounds. Over 7,000 mothers and children participated in the divine chanting. Sri. Ananth Kumar was among several dignitaries among the VIPs.
Soundarya Lahari Vaibhava @ Palace Ground, Bangalore 2007- This was an unprecedented experience where over 1.5 lakh mothers, children and men chanted Soundarya Lahari in unison in the august presence of His Holiness Sri Sri Shankara Bharati Swamiji, Sri LK Advani, Sri AnanthKumar and many dignitaries.
It is now a regular practice to conduct every year all over Karnataka, in all districts of Karnataka and strive to spread the divine message of Shankaracharya to reach each and every home.
SHANKARA YASHO VAIBHAVA - Books Exhibition & Chaturamnaya Peetha Sammelana MAY 2007- Vedanta Bharati held a Book Exhibition of all works of and all published works on Sri Shankaracharya by various eminent authors. The Soundarya Lahari Samarpana was blessed by the four Amnaya peethadhipathis - Jagadguru Shankaracharyas. Lakhs of devotees participated in the event. A laser show on the life of Shankara was held.
VIVEKA DEEPINEE - A Programme for school children based on ‘PRASHNOTTARA MALIKA’ of Sri Shankara Bhagavatpada has been initiated and has obtained recognition of Dept of Education Govt of Karnataka. This is being extended to all schools in Bangalore District and later to all Districts of Karnataka. His Excellency The Governor of Karnataka Sri.T N Chaturvedi addressed the conference of 3000 school children and expressed appreciation and wanted this programme to be implemented in all schools.
SHIVALAHARI - Dashashloki Mahabhiyana - Dashashloki is one of the Stotras composed by Sri Shankaracharya. In this, the true nature of Aatman has been expounded in a simple style.
The cardinal objective of this Mahabhiyana is to bring about this kind of awareness and transformation in society. A small step of this nature, we eagerly believe may bring about a colossal transformation in society. This initiative is being rolled out in two stages – ‘Saptaha’ and ‘Samavesha’. At the time of Saptaha devotees gather and perform ‘Gurupaduka Archana’ at every centre, chant the three Stotras viz., Gurvashtaka, NirvanaShatka and Dashashloki.
SRI SHANKARA JAYATHI MAHOTHSAVA - Shankara Jayanthi was celebrated as a “Saptaha” which was conceptualized by Vedanta Bharati making it easier to follow by everyone throughout the state. This format of Saptaha has now gained wide acceptance and is being observed in a consistent manner throughout the length and breadth of the state. Every day in the Saptaha is identified as a day of significance and the key messages in the depths of the works of Shankaracharya were disseminated to all at over 2000 Kendras statewide. Upanyasas were organized by learned vidwans to communicate the invaluable meanings hidden in the depths of Shankaracharya’s works for 5 days.
ANANDA SINDHU on Sunday the 19th May 2013 at Palace Grounds, Bangalore.
The ANANDA SINDHU event comprised of several programmes, such as - the chanting of some of the selected Stotras by Adi Shankaracharya by over one lakh mothers, brothers and children, speaking and recitation competitions for school children and an unprecedented exhibition of collection of almost all books with compositions of Sri Adi Shankaracharya and works by authors written on Sri Adi Shankaracharya collected from all over the world. The four stotras selected for mass chanting were for bringing about the feeling of National Integration, through universal one-ness, and the welfare of one and all. This event was graced by many dignitaries like Sri Parasharan solicitor general of India, Sri Nochuru Venkataraman. Chief guest of the event was our beloved former deputy prime minister Sri Lalakrishna Advaniji.
SHANKARA GEETHA SOURABHA -10-9-2014 to 16-9-2014 at Gayana Samaja Bangalore
In a first of its kind in India Vedanta Bharati conducted twelve full time music concerts by great singers and Vidwans in both Carnatic and Hindustani style of the compositions comprising only Sri Shankaracharya's stotras. This was greatly acclaimed by all and was telecast live throughout the world.
Of five phases envisaged, the third phase of mass chanting of Soundarya lahari and Sri Dakshinamurthy Ashtakam was attended by more than 20,000 participants at Mysore during February 2017. The concluding phase of the Dashamah Soundarya Lahari Parayanotsava will be held during October 2017 at Bangalore.
Vedanta Bharati, with the Benign blessings of His Holiness Jagadguru Shankaracharya of Dakshinamnaya Sringeri Sri Sharadapeetham, Sri Sri Bharathi Theertha Mahaswamiji, has chalked outseveral programmes.
Details of Activities / projects / Programmes undertaken by Vedanta Bharati
DASHAMAH SOUNDARYALAHARI PARAYANOTSAVA - 29-Oct-2017 at Palace Grounds, Bengaluru
Mass chanting of Soundarya Lahari and Sri Dakshinamurthy Ashtakam was attended by more than a lakh participants. Prime Minister Narendra Modi graced the occasion as Chief Guest.
Vedanta Bharati has published over 65 books on Shankara Vedanta and also brought out many compact discs containing stotras and talks about the compositions of Sri Shankaracharya.Mass chanting of Soundarya Lahari and Sri Dakshinamurthy Ashtakam was attended by more than a lakh participants. Prime Minister Narendra Modi graced the occasion as Chief Guest.
VIDWATH GOSHTI - One of the present activity of Vedanta Bharathi is to conduct Prasthana Bharathi (Vidwath Sabha) twice in a year - One during Shankara Jayanthi around April and other during Charthurmasya of His Holiness Shankara Bharathi Mahaswamiji around August of every year. Normally we accommodate about 50 Traditional Scholars in such Gostis. Some of whom are likely to come from state of TamilNadu, Andrapradesh, Kerala, Maharashtra, U.P etc.
SHANKARA SANDESHA SAPTAHA - Sri Shankara Bagavatpada is an ever shining star in the firmament of Bharatheeya Darshana Shastra. He is the guide who has shown the ultimate goal of life and thereby showered the soothing ambrosia of spirituality to humanity caught amidst various mental afflictions, by stringing the universe into one, through the doctrine of non-duality of the self he has been a benefactor of the world. He is the ultimate healer who propounded that knowledge of the self is the only divine cure for all sufferings of beings. In modern times the globe is shrinking into a village, yet the chasms between its people is widening, hatred and jealously are on the rise and mutual mistrust is waxing. The current relevance of the message of Sri Shankara Bhagavatpada that the true inner self is the one and the same in all of us, can never be over emphasized. The call of the master to achieve the spirit of oneness is a mighty force goes to strengthen universal brotherhood. Hence to spread and bring into practice the teachings of Sri Shankara is the need of the day.
VIVEKOTKARSHINI SPARDHA - Elocution competition on different aspects of Sri Shankara’s role in national unity and recitation of the hymns composed by Sri Shankara for students of higher education and children up to higher secondary standard, constituting individuals not only from Hindu community, but also from Muslim, Christian and other sects. The Certificate will be issued to all the candidates who passes the examination.
VEDANAMANA - A periodic conference of erudite Vedic Scholars and delegates of Karnataka state to reinforce the foundation of VEDIC STUDY and its proper instruction, which is the legacy of our culture, which need today further strengthening and diffusion to the future progeny in the generations to come. Every year up to 300 Vedic Scholars are participating in this conference.
SHANKARA SARASWATHI - A program aimed at involving mainly mothers and children in Chanting and understanding the meaning of Sri Shankara Bhagavatpada’s Stotras has been well received and is growing in acceptance and popularity by the day.
Shivananda Lahari in 2005-2006 Throughout State- Shivananda Lahari was chanted throughout the state. Many Upanyasas were held by vidwans through the state. Mothers and children chanted ShivanandaLahari in unison and offered it at the Lotus Feet of Sri Sri Shankara Bharati Swamiji.
SOUNDARYA LAHARI MAHABHIYANA - The event was initiated and successfully held at Fort high school grounds. Over 7,000 mothers and children participated in the divine chanting. Sri. Ananth Kumar was among several dignitaries among the VIPs.
Soundarya Lahari Vaibhava @ Palace Ground, Bangalore 2007- This was an unprecedented experience where over 1.5 lakh mothers, children and men chanted Soundarya Lahari in unison in the august presence of His Holiness Sri Sri Shankara Bharati Swamiji, Sri LK Advani, Sri AnanthKumar and many dignitaries.
It is now a regular practice to conduct every year all over Karnataka, in all districts of Karnataka and strive to spread the divine message of Shankaracharya to reach each and every home.
SHANKARA YASHO VAIBHAVA - Books Exhibition & Chaturamnaya Peetha Sammelana MAY 2007- Vedanta Bharati held a Book Exhibition of all works of and all published works on Sri Shankaracharya by various eminent authors. The Soundarya Lahari Samarpana was blessed by the four Amnaya peethadhipathis - Jagadguru Shankaracharyas. Lakhs of devotees participated in the event. A laser show on the life of Shankara was held.
VIVEKA DEEPINEE - A Programme for school children based on ‘PRASHNOTTARA MALIKA’ of Sri Shankara Bhagavatpada has been initiated and has obtained recognition of Dept of Education Govt of Karnataka. This is being extended to all schools in Bangalore District and later to all Districts of Karnataka. His Excellency The Governor of Karnataka Sri.T N Chaturvedi addressed the conference of 3000 school children and expressed appreciation and wanted this programme to be implemented in all schools.
SHIVALAHARI - Dashashloki Mahabhiyana - Dashashloki is one of the Stotras composed by Sri Shankaracharya. In this, the true nature of Aatman has been expounded in a simple style.
The cardinal objective of this Mahabhiyana is to bring about this kind of awareness and transformation in society. A small step of this nature, we eagerly believe may bring about a colossal transformation in society. This initiative is being rolled out in two stages – ‘Saptaha’ and ‘Samavesha’. At the time of Saptaha devotees gather and perform ‘Gurupaduka Archana’ at every centre, chant the three Stotras viz., Gurvashtaka, NirvanaShatka and Dashashloki.
SRI SHANKARA JAYATHI MAHOTHSAVA - Shankara Jayanthi was celebrated as a “Saptaha” which was conceptualized by Vedanta Bharati making it easier to follow by everyone throughout the state. This format of Saptaha has now gained wide acceptance and is being observed in a consistent manner throughout the length and breadth of the state. Every day in the Saptaha is identified as a day of significance and the key messages in the depths of the works of Shankaracharya were disseminated to all at over 2000 Kendras statewide. Upanyasas were organized by learned vidwans to communicate the invaluable meanings hidden in the depths of Shankaracharya’s works for 5 days.
ANANDA SINDHU on Sunday the 19th May 2013 at Palace Grounds, Bangalore.
The ANANDA SINDHU event comprised of several programmes, such as - the chanting of some of the selected Stotras by Adi Shankaracharya by over one lakh mothers, brothers and children, speaking and recitation competitions for school children and an unprecedented exhibition of collection of almost all books with compositions of Sri Adi Shankaracharya and works by authors written on Sri Adi Shankaracharya collected from all over the world. The four stotras selected for mass chanting were for bringing about the feeling of National Integration, through universal one-ness, and the welfare of one and all. This event was graced by many dignitaries like Sri Parasharan solicitor general of India, Sri Nochuru Venkataraman. Chief guest of the event was our beloved former deputy prime minister Sri Lalakrishna Advaniji.
SHANKARA GEETHA SOURABHA -10-9-2014 to 16-9-2014 at Gayana Samaja Bangalore
In a first of its kind in India Vedanta Bharati conducted twelve full time music concerts by great singers and Vidwans in both Carnatic and Hindustani style of the compositions comprising only Sri Shankaracharya's stotras. This was greatly acclaimed by all and was telecast live throughout the world.
Of five phases envisaged, the third phase of mass chanting of Soundarya lahari and Sri Dakshinamurthy Ashtakam was attended by more than 20,000 participants at Mysore during February 2017. The concluding phase of the Dashamah Soundarya Lahari Parayanotsava will be held during October 2017 at Bangalore.
Main Activities of the Institution :
- Undertaking study and research projects in Advaita and other systems of philosophy
- Editing and publishing
- Rare and ancient works, still in manuscripts
- Important publications which have been out of print for a long time
- Glossary / Dictionary of technical terms
- Bibliographies and indices
- Translation of basic works in different languages
- General Reader’s guides
- Periodical Journals
- Low priced books on Daily and periodical rituals, which are part of our tradition
- Establishing Vedanta Pathashala and Vedanta Training Centres and taking measures to preserve and propagate traditional methods of teaching and studying
- Organizing periodically lectures and seminars, discussion session, retreats etc.
- Establishing a full-fledged reference and manuscript library
- Establishing a hostel for students, research scholars etc.
- Employing a core group of scholars, researchers and consultants
- Associating with other institutions of similar objectives and activities
- To work for any charitable purpose inclusive of relief to the poor, education, medical relief and the advancement of knowledge and any other object of general public utility
- Carry out, promote and support and carrying of research in to an ancient texts and sources of knowledge and publish the same for the benefit of society
- Generally to do all such other things as may be deemed or conducive to the attainment of all or any of the above objects
Hari Om! Another step from Vedanta Bharati to spread the message of Adi Shankaracharya to the common man. Eagerly waiting for this event.